down time

I had a rather long outage due to a botched upgrade from which I am still recovering.  I had planned on upgrading from Fedora 8, to 9, then 10, and finally 11.  You have to upgrade incrementally, but the first step failed part way through after having started installing packages.  An attempt to retry crashed even earlier.  At that point, I decided to try a clean install of Fedora 11 while preserving my data partitions then recover configuration files from backup.  That failed, too.  Sigh. 

I did get a clean install done but could not use my existing partitions.  I ended up yanking on of the RAID-1 mirrors and reformatting the other into the new system.  Crude, but it gave me a local copy of my data even if I am flying without a net here.  So the web server is back online, but don’t try sending me email just yet.  Well, you can send it and it will pile up until I can get the mail server back online.

I have developed a deep loathing for NetworkManager, the package that keeps messing with my IP address configuration.  I turned it off and life is much better now.  I have no idea what it thinks it is doing, but it is bad, very bad.