POSTPONED: Stargazing at Shore Road Park

POSTPONED to Friday December 5th

The weather forecast for tonight is completely overcast with snow showers likely. It may clear sometime between 8 and 10 pm, but between the cold and the late hour, we will not meet tonight. Tomorrow promises to be clear but bitterly cold with winds in the 15-20 mph range making the wind chill near 20°F. We will NOT MEET this week.

Original Message Follows:

We will once again be attempting to do some stargazing at Shore Road Park, weather permitting. See this map for the location:

The waning gibbous moon will not rise until late, so the skies will be as dark as they get here in NYC. With winter nearly upon us, darkness comes early so we can also be out before it gets too late for the younger children. Jupiter and Venus will be readily visible in the evening sky. We will have some telescope views of them, and then point out the fall constellations that are visible.

Shore Road Park can get windy, so even if the air seems call at your house, wear appropriate clothing to come to the park.