Another Reason to Buy a Wii

And this one is geeky instead of gamey. Er, I didn’t quite mean that it was stinky, but anyway…

I first read about it in technical journal (I forget which one, they all sort of blur together in my aging brain), but apparently I’m behind the curve on this one (another sign of advancing age) as its all of the Internet at this point.

Johnny Chung Lee at Carnegie Mellon University has put together a Wii remote, a laptop, a digital projector, and some home grown software (available at to make a do-it-yourself smart board. You can see his video on YouTube. I’ve always considered the things to be overpriced, but this just proves how overpriced they are. It’s not cheap, unless you already have a digital projector lying about (yeah, how many of those do you have in your home?), but it’s cheaper than the commercial smart board. I see a business model for selling this to educational institutions…. But what I really want to find out is whether or not I can use it with my plasma TV substituting for the digital projector.