Prelimary processing for M27 Image

Finally took a few minutes to do something with the images I took during the Summer Star Party. This is an LRGB composite of a single frame of each color for M27, the Dumbbell Nebula. We’re talking only about 2 minutes (or less!) exposure per color here.

M 27-S001-R001-C001-RGB.jpg

I need to take the time to combine all the frames and work on it a little more. Frankly, I’m surprised it came out so well with so little data. I used an AstroTech RC6 with a ZWO ASI1600MM (monochrome) camera, all sitting on an iOptron CEM25EC mount. The tracking on the mount is superb, which undoubtably contributed to the quality of the images.

You can’t tell from this image, but I think I’m going to need to check the collimation of the RC6. Some of the stars show elongation, but not in a pattern that would indicate either field rotation or drift. I haven’t used the RC6 in a long time, and it’s been handled a bit roughly at times with work I’ve done in the garage, even though it was usually packaged up.

You can also compare this with an earlier image I took, same scope, different camera, and the iOptron ZEQ25 mount. I upgraded the mount earlier this year, where “upgrade” really means you totally replace the equatorial head but iOptron gives you a little credit for the old one. I should have upgraded sooner, not only would I have had better tracking the past couple of years, but I would also have gotten more credit for the trade-in. Oh well, I am happy with the upgrade.