Author: Roland Roberts

SAC 8-II Woes

I purchased a used SAC 8-II off astromart a few weeks ago after which it promptly sat in the box apart from a cursory examination. The intent was to use it as a light-weight autoguider. I quickly installed the software and "tested" it without being attached to anything. I was getting a signal out of …

SAC 8-II WoesRead More

Truncated (large) images in Gallery2 — not!

I was having a problem on with using Gallery’s image block which requires loading PHP code . It would usually work just fine, but for some reason, the image was occasionally truncated. Since I have access to the backend, I could look at the raw file and knew it had uploaded just fine. Turns out …

Truncated (large) images in Gallery2 — not!Read More

Fighting with G2Image

Okay, it’s not really fighting, but if feels that way. I misunderstood the instructions for setting up g2image and put the plugin under modules/tinymce/plugins because that directory already existed and had something in it, namely drupalbreak. Oops, that’s not where it is supposed to go, it has to go under modules/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins. The clue came after …

Fighting with G2ImageRead More

NEAIC Finishes

It was a busy day with a long talk by Ron Dantowitz who was trying to make up for lost time after missing yesterday’s talk due to a family emergency. I was a bit conflicted since I would have liked him to finish a bit earlier in order to have time for lunch, but on the other hand, I loved every minute of the talk. Of course, some of it was just being green with envy for his job!


Don Parker gave a fascinating and humorous talk on planetary imaging which has got me ready to head back out with my ToUCam to try some more imaging. I’ll have to work through some of his formulae to see how I ought to be setting up my camera and, given that I live under a flight path to LaGuardia, I might have to consider replacing the ToUCam with something that supports USB 2.0 so I can take images at a higher frame rate to try to beat both the seeing conditions and the lovely jet wash induced turbulence.