So…a while back I dropped my AstroTech RC6.  That was a very sad day. It landed partially on the USB plug for the filter wheel which destroyed the jack. I had to desolder the jack and solder in a new one (which now works again, yay!). But the scope itself took a hit and was badly out of collimation. I did both a daytime collimation and a visual check with an eyepiece but was never very happy with it. I finally reassembled everything to try imaging and this is what I’ve got.

I imaged at 1×1 binning, but the image is downsampled to 4×4 (25% of the original). Given my crappy seeing here in Brooklyn, that’s probably okay anyway. And given the crappy seeing, I’m not sure that being collimated would matter much for this image anyway.  But I’m pretty sure at least part of the fuzziness here is collimation. I’ll be taking it apart to have another go at fixing that.

ObjectM15, Globular Cluster
CameraASI1600MM-Pro, LRGB
Lens/ScopeAstroTech RC6
Exposure23 x 60 sec Red
13 x 40 sec Blue10 x 20 sec Green
27 x 10 sec Luminance
LocationBay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY
ProcessingPixInsight: more steps than I care to remember
For more information include labels, see

Why such odd numbers for the exposures? That’s basically what survived after filtering out images that were unusable due to wind gusts, clouds, whatever. I hope to give this another shot after getting the scope collimated.