Stargazing at Shore Road Park

The announcement should have been made earlier today, and was if you were in class, that we’ll be meeting Saturday evening due to weather.  Tonight is supposed to be cloudy and hazy, but tomorrow promises at least clear spots to do stargazing.  Or at least moongazing.  So, same time and location, just one day later.

We will be trying (attempt number 6!) to hold a stargazing session in Shore Road Park.  The moon will be in the first quarter phase, and Saturn will be high in the south after sunset.  Because sunset comes so late this time of year, we won’t be able to start until about 8:45, although the moon will, of course be visible pretty much all day.

As always, this event is subject to weather conditions.  Rain date will be Saturday, May 30th.

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Check back for announcements on the day of the event.