Year: 2006

SAC 8-II Woes

I purchased a used SAC 8-II off astromart a few weeks ago after which it promptly sat in the box apart from a cursory examination. The intent was to use it as a light-weight autoguider. I quickly installed the software and "tested" it without being attached to anything. I was getting a signal out of …

SAC 8-II WoesRead More

Truncated (large) images in Gallery2 — not!

I was having a problem on with using Gallery’s image block which requires loading PHP code . It would usually work just fine, but for some reason, the image was occasionally truncated. Since I have access to the backend, I could look at the raw file and knew it had uploaded just fine. Turns out …

Truncated (large) images in Gallery2 — not!Read More

Fighting with G2Image

Okay, it’s not really fighting, but if feels that way. I misunderstood the instructions for setting up g2image and put the plugin under modules/tinymce/plugins because that directory already existed and had something in it, namely drupalbreak. Oops, that’s not where it is supposed to go, it has to go under modules/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins. The clue came after …

Fighting with G2ImageRead More

NEAIC Finishes

It was a busy day with a long talk by Ron Dantowitz who was trying to make up for lost time after missing yesterday’s talk due to a family emergency. I was a bit conflicted since I would have liked him to finish a bit earlier in order to have time for lunch, but on the other hand, I loved every minute of the talk. Of course, some of it was just being green with envy for his job!